We have just published the new page “Awakening of hidden faculties” at the following path: “Back from the Afterlife” > “A wonderful garden.”
Well, yes! This is just the first Near-Death Experience (aka EPM) we have documented and released on this site! Do not waste time and go to watch the interesting video-interview we made to Mrs. Gabriella Magrini, from Rome.
The experience, she went through several years ago, will leave you puzzled! Someone will certainly conclude: “Well, this is interesting but… it’s, anyway, only her word!… There is no evidence of her journey into the Afterlife!…” Everyone is free, of course, to think as he/she prefers. However, our suggestion is not to exclude the possibility of considering instead, even if only for a moment, that all this – as well as for numerous other stories of the same kind, which have been widely documented around the world – might have really happened… What would the main clue be? In addition to the “anomalous” abilities Mrs. Gabriella had from that moment on, perhaps it would be the fact that the memory of that event, after more than 40 years, is still so real – as if only yesterday it had occurred -, so vivid to be able to move our protagonist, just as only great events of our lives can do…
What else?… Enjoy our new video-interview and post, at the end, your comments, so that we may know what you think.
Enjoy it!
E.A. – V.G.