Deus intelligit et non credit
Our first conclusions
Our first conclusions

Our first conclusions

After a month since this web site was released on the Internet and following so many comments you sent us (posted directly here and on our Facebook page, but also sent to us by other means), we would like to share with you some considerations.

Thanks to all of you, this web site has been seen by so many people (you can verify it by seeing the access counter at the bottom of each page). This is a confirmation that you are really interested in our Project or, at least, curious about it.

As far as your comments are concerned, what you appreciated most was our choice to talk about a really ‘sensitive’ matter in a different way, always remaining on the ‘Threshold’ and without pretending to cross it. In other words, without any desire of sensationalism, we started to provide stories “out of the ordinary” of common people but also professionals, whose narrative simplicity fascinates whoever is watching. Moreover, they are original videographic documentaries, recorded by us and never been published before.

So, we do hope that all of you (and even more!) continue to visit our web site. What’s our next hope? At the end of each visit to these pages, that you may ask the following question: “What will be published next?…”

Our answer can’t be other than “Follow us on a regular basis and you won’t be disappointed!

E.A. – V.G.




    1. Admin

      Hi! Happy to have you among our followers. We’ll keep on providing you with new and valuable information and videos. Continue to follow our work and please vote for us by clicking on the upper banner (when a new window opens, you have to confirm your vote by clicking on the highlighted blue line “Sì, confermo il voto”). Thanks. Ciao.

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    1. Admin

      Hi! Thanks for your comment. Happy to be useful to you!… If you search on the internet, you’ll be able to find all the information you need (much more and better I could do :) ). If you like, you can subscribe our free e-mail notification service for being informed of any new update (in the right vertical section, just indicate your e-mail address in the field “be notified – ricevi aggiornamenti”). Ciao.

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