Deus intelligit et non credit
Thresholds - Le Soglie
CCoolldd eexxoorrcciissmm

“Cold” exorcism

What follows is one of the stories narrated by Father Emidio Alessandrini, a Franciscan Friar Minor who has been an eyewitness to many events “out of the ordinary” during his long pastoral mission.

In particular, he will provide a precise account of what happened to him during a conversation with a young girl in Assisi (Perugia – Italy), more than twenty years ago. The talk started like many other conversations he had with other people during those days, then it took an unexpected turn.

Well, the mystery of evil, which enters within man’s heart through his own free will, can be fought and defeated if only man deeply desires to be healed. Only then, this “fracture” can be closed

E.A. – V.G.


Video recording:
– Canon EOS 5D Mark II, with Summilux 80 mm lens
– Nexus 7, with Summicron 50 mm lens
– Sony Alpha SLT-A65V, with Summicron 50 mm lens
Audio recording: Tascam DR-100 MKII
Location: Fonte Nuova (Rome – Italy)
Shot on June 17, 2012



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