The village of Castelchiodato, a fraction of Mentana, is located on the slopes of the Lucretili Mountains, about 30 km North of Rome.
Thanks to the passion and dedication of some “castellani”, who for months have dedicated hours and hours of their free time to it, starting from December 8, 2022, a large and spectacular mechanical nativity has been set up in the premises of the parish oratory.
One enters a medium-sized hall and, after having passed a curtain, finds himself/herself in front of a starry sky crossed by a comet. A voice announces the birth of the Lord and the stars give way to the rising sun which illuminates the little house where the Child lies in a manger. All around is a frenetic succession of activities: a blacksmith shoes his horse, some shepherds shear the sheep and card the wool, others play cards and a woman stirs in her large cauldron. A few minutes pass and a sweet music heralds the night and a thick snow falls on the small houses of the village.
The Castelchiodato nativity has been open from December 8, 2022 until January 6, 2023 but it will still be possible to visit it for a few months, by appointment.

Characteristics of the crib
Surface: 40 sm
Movements and Effects: 30
Water: 2 fountains + a river
Cycle: Sunrise, Day, Sunset and Night
Background projection throughout the cycle
Audio: Dolby Surround system for music and comments